Sample Question papers can be downloaded from the CBSE site..link is here on the right side.You need Adobe Reader to read it after downloading.
1. Analyse andfind your own deep and compelling reason to successfully learn your subject and pass your exams.2. Plan your time to include study, revision and social commitments - a balance of having fun, taking breaks and studying is vital.
3. Use multi-coloured Mind Maps for your notes.
4. Review your notes regularly to reinforce your new-found knowledge.
5. Swiftly skim through your text books and course material before you read them in depth to give you an overview of your subject.
6. Learn how to remember lists of things by linking each item to a location on a journey or route you are familiar with around your town. You could even use your own home.
7. Before you do any revision, warm up by doing some gentle exercise to relieve any tension in your body and to get a rush of healthy oxygen flowing to your brain.
8. Do past papers under thorough exam conditions as often as possible to familiarise yourself with the format and the pressures of working under exam conditions.
9. In an exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants before you allocate your time and begin answering the questions.
10. If you are faced with a mental block breathe deeply, relax and ask yourself "If I did know the answer to this question, what would it be?"
My experimented idea no.1-You can even record your voice while reading and later play it and listen through a headphone.
My experimented idea no.2-Read from your own notebook..our brain easily accepts own handwriting than others!
My experimented idea no.3-Take a break after every 40 minutes..our brain switches to the other side every 40 minutes..change the subjects between analytical to aesthetics(from maths to poems) for better results.
Washington, Oct 20
India is making efforts to turn "a poor rich country" into an economic powerhouse and make the country rich with an open polity and an open economy, says Finance Minister Shri P Chidambaram. Relating what he called the "story of a poor rich country" at the Harvard University - he had done MBA from Harvard Law School - the minister said he has faith in the future generations as "more and more Indians - especially young Indians - have discovered the virtues of an open polity and an open economy."
"Our effort is to turn India into an economic powerhouse and make India rich," he said in a South Asia Initiative Harish C Mahindra 2007 lecture on "Poor Rich Countries: The Challenges of Development" in Boston Thursday. "While my generation which spearheaded the crossover will do its best, I have faith that the next generation of Indians, and the generation after that, will eliminate the scourge of poverty and make India rich. Then, the poor rich country would have deserved its inheritance."
Giving a long list of things that make India rich and poor at the same time, Shri Chidambaram said, "India is rich because of its natural resources; it is poor because it is unable to exploit those resources efficiently and profitably."
"India is rich because of its native entrepreneurial talent; it is poor because many policy and procedural hurdles stand in the way of the entrepreneurs. ... India is rich because its people are hardworking, resilient and pragmatic; it is poor because often commonsense is devoured by ideology."
"Undoubtedly, India is challenged" with the government facing the challenge of leveraging the huge natural and human resources to ensure rapid economic growth, he said describing growth as "the best antidote to poverty". "With growth, we have a chance to wipe out the stigma of abject poverty, and our people can enjoy the advantages of being citizens of an increasingly prosperous country. Without growth, India will remain a poor rich nation," Shri Chidambaram said.
For well over three decades after independence, India adopted a dirigiste model of economic development. The State was the principal driver of the economy and the economy itself remained closed to the rest of the world. India’s GDP grew at an average rate of 3.5% in those "lost decades", he said recalling that it required a balance of payments crisis in 1991 to jolt India out of its slumber. Then "brushing aside the predictions of doom, the people embraced the new paradigm of an open and competitive economy."
"The India story had begun. It is an unfolding saga and we have added many chapters, but it was not easy in the 1990s and it is not easy now either," Shri Chidambaram said describing the first decade of the new millennium as "the best since independence".
In the seven years beginning 2000-01, India`s GDP has grown at an average rate of 6.9%. Since 2003-04, the growth rate has moved to a higher plane and the average has been 8.6%. 2006-07 was a splendid year with the GDP recording a growth of 9.4%. One would have thought that the challenge of development - in a democracy - will become less formidable as the economy cruises on a high growth path, Shri Chidambaram said.
By now I had been three years in South Africa. I had got to know the people and they had got to know me. In 1896 I asked permission to go home for six months, for I saw that I was in for a long stay there. I had established fairly good practice, and could see that people felt the need of my presence. So I made up my mind to go home, fetch my wife and children, and then return and settle out there. I also saw that, if I went home, I might be able to do there some public work by educating public opinion and creating more interest in the Indians of South Africa. The £3 tax was an open sore. There could be no peace until it was abolished.But who was to take charge of the Congress work and Education Society in my absence ? I could think of two men-Adamji Miyakhan and Parsi Rustomji. There were many workers now available from the commercial class. But the foremost among those who could fulfil the duties of the secretary by regular work, and who also commanded the regard of the Indian community, were these two. The secretary certainly needed a working knowledge of English. I recommended the late Adamji Miyakhan"s name to the Congress, and it approved of his appointment as secretary. Experience showed that the choice was a very happy one. Adamji Miyakhan satisfied all with his perseverance, liberality, amiability and courtesy, and proved to everyone that the secretary"s work did not require a man with a barrister"s degree or high English education. About the middle of 1896 I sailed for home in the s.s. Pongola which was bound for Calcutta. There were very few passengers on board. Among them were two English officers, with whom I came in close contact. With one of them I used to play chess for an hour daily. The ship"s doctor gave me a Tamil Self-teacher which I began to study. My experience in Natal had shown me that I should acquire a knowledge of Urdu to get into closer contact with the Mussalmans, and of Tamil to get into closer touch with the Madras Indians. At the request of the English friend, who read Urdu with me, I found out a good Urdu munshi from amongst the deck passengers, and we made excellent progress in our studies. The officer had a better memory than I. He would never forget a word after once he had seen it; I often found it difficult to decipher Urdu letters. I brought more perseverance to bear, but could never overtake the officer. With Tamil I made fair progress. There was no help available, but the Tamil Self-teacher was a well-written book, and I did not feel in need of much outside help. I had hoped to continue these studies even after reaching India, but it was impossible. Most of my reading since 1893 has been done in jail. I did make some progress in Tamil and Urdu, in jails-Tamil in South African jails, and Urdu in Yeravda Jail. But I never learnt to speak Tamil, and the little I could do by way of reading is now rusting away for want of practice. I still feel what a handicap this ignorance of Tamil or Telugu has been. The affection that the Dravidians in Sourth Africa showered on me has remained a cherished memory. Whenever I see a Tamil or Telugu friend, I cannot but recall the faith, perseverance and selfless sacrifice of many of his compatriots in South Africa. And they were mostly illiterate, the men no less than the women. The fight in South Africa was for such, and it was fought by illiterate soldiers; it was for the poor, and the poor took their full share in it. Ignorance of their language, however, was never a handicap to me in stealing the hearts of these simple and good countrymen. They spoke broken Hindustani or broken English, and we found no difficulty in getting on with our work. But I wanted to requite their affection by learning Tamil and Telugu. In Tamil, as I have said, I made some little progress, but in Telugu. which I tried to learn in India, I did not get beyond the alphabet. I fear now I can never learn these languages, and am therefore hoping that the Dravidians will learn Hindustani. The non-English-speaking among them in South Africa do speak Hindi or Hindustani, however indifferently. It is only the English-speaking ones who will not learn it, as though a knowledge of English were an obstacle to learning our own languages. But I have digressed. Let me finish the narrative of my voyage. I have to introduce to my readers the Captain of the s.s. Pongola. We had become friends. The good Captain was a Plymouth Brother. Our talks were more about spiritual subjects than nautical. He drew a line between morality and faith. The teaching of the Bible was to him child"s play. Its beauty lay in its simplicity. Let all, men, women and children, he would say, have faith in Jesus and his sacrifice, and their sins were sure to be redeemed. This friend revived my memory of the Plymouth Brother of Pretoria. The religion that imposed any moral restrictions was to him no good. My vegetarian food had been the occasion of the whole of this discussion. Why should I not eat meat, or for that matter beef ? Had not God created all the lower animals for the enjoyment of mankind as, for instance, he had created the vegetable kingdom ? These questions inevitably drew us into religious discussion. We could not convince each other. I was confirmed in my opinion that religion and morality were synonymous. The Captain had no doubt about the correctness of his opposite conviction. At the end of twenty-four days the pleasant voyage came to a close, and admiring the beauty of the Hooghly, I landed at Calcutta.The same day I took the train for Bombay.
Central Board of Secondary Education
Shiksha Kendra, 2 Community Center, Preet Vihar
ACAD/EO (COM)/2007/ 08-08-2007
Circular No.39/07
The Heads
of all CBSE affiliated institutions
SUBJECT: Revised Design of the Question Paper in Economics, Political Science and History (Class XII) for Board Examination, 2008
Dear Principal,
Your kind attention is drawn to Circular No.33 dated 24-07-2007 wherein revised designs of question papers in Social Science(Class X) and Business Studies, Accountancy, Geography and Psychology (Class XII) for Board Examination, 2008 were outlined. In Circular no.37/07 dated 01-08-2007, you were apprised of changes made in the Political Science syllabus of Class XII and distribution of marks over its different units. In continuation of these circulars, the changes effected in the designs of question papers in Economics, Political Science and History (Class XII) are given below:
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
I Weightage of marks to Forms of Questions
S.NO. | Forms of Questions | Marks for each question | No. of questions | Total Marks |
1. | Very short answer type | 1 | 10 | 10 |
2. | Short answer type I | 3 | 10 | 30 |
3. | Short answer type II | 4 | 6 | 24 |
4. | Long answer type I | 6 | 6 | 36 |
5. | Total | | 32 | 100 |
II. The question paper will have two sections A and B with equal number of questions i.e. 16 each.
III. Scheme of Options: There will be no overall choice. However, there is an internal choice in one question of 6 marks, one question of 4 marks and one question of 3 marks from each of the sections. Thus there will be internal choice to six questions.
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
I Weightage of marks to Forms of Questions
S.NO. | Forms of Questions | Marks for each question | No. of questions | Total Marks |
1. | Very short answer type I | 1 | 10 | 10 |
2. | Very short answer type II | 2 | 10 | 20 |
3. | Short answer type I | 4 | 10 | 40 |
4. | Long answer type | 6 | 5 | 30 |
5. | Total | | 35 | 100 |
II. Scheme of Options: There will be no overall choice. However, there is an internal choice in every question of 6 marks.
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
I The question paper will be divided into Parts A, B, C, D, and E. The description and division of marks over each part will be as under:
Parts | Forms of Questions | Marks for each question | No. of questions | Total Marks |
A | Very short answer type | 2 | 5 | 10 |
B | Short answer type | 5 | 8 | 40 |
C | Long answer type | 8 | 2 | 16 |
D | Passage based questions | 8 | 3 | 24 |
E | Skill (Map Work) | 5 | 2 | 10 |
| Total | | 20 | 100 |
II. The 3 passage based questions will be distributed among the three parts of the History textbooks, one each. In each of these questions, there will be 4 questions with marks ranging from 1-4
III Scheme of Options : There will be no choice in part A. Part B will be divided into 3 sections ( books). Section 1 will have 4 questions out of which the student will attempt any 3. Section 2 will have 3 questions out of which the student will attempt any 2. Section 3 will have 4 questions out of which the student will attempt any 3 questions. Part C & D will carry internal choice. In part E internal choice will be provided in one of the two map questions.
The detailed question paper design, sample question papers and marking schemes will be shortly put up in the CBSE’s website www.cbse.nic.in. The above mentioned changes may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
1. The Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, 18-Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110 016.[.;
2. The Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, A-28, Kailash Colony,
3. The Director of Education, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of
4. The Director of Public Instructions (Schools),
5. The Director of Education, Govt. of
6. The Director of School Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar-791 111
7. The Director of Education, Govt. of
8. The Secretary,
a. Delhi-110 085.
9. All the Regional Officers of CBSE with the request to send this circular to all the Heads of the affiliated schools of the Board in their respective regions.
10. The Education Officers of the Academic Branch, CBSE.
11. The Library and Information Officer, CBSE
12. EO to Chairman, CBSE
13. PA to CE, CBSE
14. PA to Secretary, CBSE
15. PA to HOD (AIEEE)
16. PA to HOD (Edusat)
O,Indwelling Lord! In all stable objects and moving beings.I as a child,just born of sleep,firmly desire,and honestly pray that,may all my deeds,in the course of the day,be done for your sake only,and therefore,most pleasing to you,O Lord! whatever is uttered,thought of and done by me,during the day ,is all done by your inner promptings only.
Hence,may all that be sanctified as a sacred offering to you like oblation in a sacrifice,may nothing that I do,give pain to my teachers and other beings,and let no actions of others harm me in any way. Amen!
Nepali version of this prayer:
Hey Parmeswar! nindhradeviko garbabaata ma janmey,hey saara srishtiko swaami,thatha hridaivaasi,thapaikao pavithra naam uchharan gardhai ma mero dhainik kaaryaharu garna laagirahechu.Hey Prabhu mera vachan vichaar ra kaaryalaayi pavithra paarne ra baato dhekaone kripa,mamaathi raaknuhos.Mera kaaryaharule mera gurujan thatha anya kasailai pani chot napuryaos.Sampoorna hridhaile ma mero dhin thapaiko charankamalmaa samarpan gardhachu. Om Shanthi Om!
Dear Nokia Customer,
This is a product advisory for the Nokia-branded BL-5C battery manufactured by Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan between December 2005 and November 2006. This product advisory does not apply to any other Nokia battery.
Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the affected batteries could potentially experience over heating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge. Nokia is working closely with relevant local authorities to investigate this situation.
Nokia has several suppliers for BL-5C batteries that have collectively produced more than 300 million BL-5C batteries. This advisory applies only to the 46 million batteries manufactured by Matsushita between December 2005 and November 2006. There have been approximately 100 incidents of over heating reported globally. No serious injuries or property damage have been reported.
Consumers with a BL-5C battery subject to this advisory should note that all of the approximately 100 incidents have occurred while charging the battery. According to Nokia's knowledge this issue does not affect any other use of the mobile device. Concerned consumers may want to monitor a mobile device while charging that contains a BL-5C battery subject to this product advisory.
While the occurrence in the BL-5C batteries produced by Matsushita in the time-period specified is very rare, for consumers wishing to do so, Nokia and Matsushita offer to replace any BL-5C battery subject to this product advisory.
The BL-5C batteries which are subject to the product advisory were used with the following Nokia models or separately as accessories:
Nokia 1100, Nokia 1100c, Nokia 1101, Nokia 1108, Nokia 1110, Nokia 1112, Nokia 1255, Nokia 1315, Nokia 1600, Nokia 2112, Nokia 2118, Nokia 2255, Nokia 2272, Nokia 2275, Nokia 2300, Nokia 2300c, Nokia 2310, Nokia 2355, Nokia 2600, Nokia 2610, Nokia 2610b, Nokia 2626, Nokia 3100, Nokia 3105, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3125, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6085, Nokia 6086, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6175i, Nokia 6178i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6270, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6631, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6822, Nokia 7610, Nokia N70, Nokia N71, Nokia N72, Nokia N91, Nokia E50, Nokia E60
“Nokia” and “BL-5C” are printed on the front of the battery. On the back of the battery, the Nokia mark appears at the top, and the battery identification number (consisting of 26 characters) is found at the bottom.
In a quieter replay of the presidential election, the UPA-Left on Friday had their candidate Mohammad Hamid Ansari elected as Vice-President through a margin higher than the aggregate vote bank of the ruling combine in the two Houses of Parliament.
The UPA-Left had 441 committed votes but the former diplomat romped home with 455 of the 762 votes polled. BJP-led NDA candidate Najma Heptullah was a distant second with 222, while the Third Front’s Rashid Masood secured only 75 votes. There were 10 invalid votes.
“I am aware of the responsibilities of the post. I will endeavour to fulfil these responsibilities to the satisfaction of all,” Ansari told newspersons on being delivered the notification of his election. Ansari will be administered the oath of office by President Pratibha Patil on Saturday. He will take charge as Rajya Sabha chairman on Monday.-H.T