O,Indwelling Lord! In all stable objects and moving beings.I as a child,just born of sleep,firmly desire,and honestly pray that,may all my deeds,in the course of the day,be done for your sake only,and therefore,most pleasing to you,O Lord! whatever is uttered,thought of and done by me,during the day ,is all done by your inner promptings only.
Hence,may all that be sanctified as a sacred offering to you like oblation in a sacrifice,may nothing that I do,give pain to my teachers and other beings,and let no actions of others harm me in any way. Amen!
Nepali version of this prayer:
Hey Parmeswar! nindhradeviko garbabaata ma janmey,hey saara srishtiko swaami,thatha hridaivaasi,thapaikao pavithra naam uchharan gardhai ma mero dhainik kaaryaharu garna laagirahechu.Hey Prabhu mera vachan vichaar ra kaaryalaayi pavithra paarne ra baato dhekaone kripa,mamaathi raaknuhos.Mera kaaryaharule mera gurujan thatha anya kasailai pani chot napuryaos.Sampoorna hridhaile ma mero dhin thapaiko charankamalmaa samarpan gardhachu. Om Shanthi Om!