Gangtok, July 12: Justice Surjamani Singh, a judge in the Sikkim High Court, passed away at Apollo Hospital in New Delhi early Thursday morning. Justice Singh, 62, had been ailing for some time with liver problem and was admitted to Apollo Hospital on June 30, family sources said. He is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter. All state government offices, educational institutions and public undertakings have been declared closed in the state for the day as a mark of respect to the departed justice, a Home Department notification said here.The Sikkim High Court is the High Court of the state of Sikkim. Sikkim became a part of India in 1975, and the court, which was earlier the national court, now became a state court.The court is headquartered in Gangtok, the administrative capital of the state. The court has a sanctioned judge strength of 3.
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